Audiovisual director from Nayarit, he carried out research stays on cinema at the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Guanajuato, director of the short film Limerence (2016) starring Sara Cobo, Alejandro Belmonte and Hernán Canto.
In 2017, she won the jury prize at the Guanajuato International Film Festival for her second fictional film piece “Simone's Portraits” which had a broadcast space in the Short Film Corner of the Cannes Festival in 2018.
In that same year he was awarded the first medal for university artistic merit by his home of studies the "Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit" , and in 2018 he was awarded by the State Youth Award of Nayarit in the category of Artistic Expressions and Popular Arts.
In México City he work for a lot of brands, musicians, influencers and the government. Now Arturo is working in two documentary films about the LGBTTTIQA+ community in México.